C# expressions that try to be monadic

Posted July 1, 2021 by Robert Marciniak ‐ 3 min read

Why we can't have nice things, C# query expression edition

The closest thing to F#'s computational expression is either combination of async await keywords in contexts that do not always translate to asynchronous context or query expression which does not always translate to querying something.

That's because C# is a corporate enterprise language which tries to smuggle Nice Things through, but in a different, more corporate-enterprise-like form - not too abstract, sprinkled with "query SQL from code!"-, "Improve responsiveness without big refactors!"-, or similar seasoning.

About query expression

Query expression is a syntactic sugar which allows compiler to translate


private Gen<TimeSeriesValueColumn> TimeSeriesValueColumnGen() =>
    from dto in TimeSeriesDtoGen()
    from time in Arb.Generate<DateTime>()
    select TimeSeriesValueColumn.CreateColumns(dto).Single();

into this

private Gen<TimeSeriesValueColumn> TimeSeriesValueColumnGen() =>
        .SelectMany(dto => Arb.Generate<DateTime>(),
            (dto, time) => TimeSeriesValueColumn.CreateColumns(dto).Single());

and can be added to any monad-like type simply by adding few functions with particular names and signatures, e.g. this short snippet allowed me to create valid code for 'case 2'

public static class TaskExtensions
    public static async Task<B> Bind<A, B>(this Task<A> @this, Func<A, Task<B>> fn)
        => await fn(await @this);

    public static async Task<B> Map<A, B>(this Task<A> @this, Func<A, B> fn)
        => await Task.FromResult(fn(await @this));

    public static Task<C> SelectMany<A, B, C>(this Task<A> @this, Func<A, Task<B>> fn, Func<A, B, C> select)
        => @this.Bind(a => fn(a).Map(b => select(a, b)));

'what's the underlying type?'

Case 1

var result =
    from index in Enumerable.Range(1, 5)
    from date in Enumerable.Repeat(DateTime.Today, 5)
    select (index, date) into pair
    select pair.date.AddDays(pair.index);
let result =
    seq {
        let! index = Enumerable.Range(1, 5)
        let! date = Enumerable.Repeat(DateTime.Today, 5)
        let pair = (index, date)
        yield pair |> (fun (i, d) -> d.AddDays(i |> float))

Case 2

var result =
    from index in GetIndexAsync()
    from date in Task.FromResult(DateTime.Today)
    select (index, date) into pair
    select pair.date.AddDays(pair.index);
let result =
    monad {
        let! index = GetIndexAsync()
        let! date = Task.FromResult(DateTime.Today)
        let pair = (index, date)
        yield pair |> (fun (i, d) -> d.AddDays(i |> float))

Case 3

var result =
    from index in Option.Some(5)
    from date in Option.None<DateTime>()
    select (index, date) into pair
    select pair.date.AddDays(pair.index);
async Option<DateTime> Fun() {
    var index = await Option.Some(5);
    var date = await Option.None<DateTime>();
    var pair = (index, date);
    return pair.date.AddDays(pair.index)
let result =
    monad {
        let! index = Some 5
        let! date = None
        let pair = (index, date)
        yield pair |> (fun (i, (d:DateTime)) -> d.AddDays(i |> float))

monad is from F#+, though implementing option Computation Expression manually is pretty straight-forward

...converging into the same topic, never reaching it

These C# constructs do exactly the same thing, without any major or unsafe hacks. The main barrier from using these in a monad-like manner is their naming. Despite being perfectly viable in multiple scenarios their naming suggests using them in LINQ-to-* and asynchronous code respectively.

  • in C# there's no way to create a generic Monad<T<E>> because there's no higher-kinded polymorphism
  • poor type inference, no partial inference, partly due to complicated inheritance laws
  • query expression has no ability to switch from one monad type to another using concise language syntax, while functional languages have transformers and one can nest computational expressions.